Rest In Peace Grandma Message

60 Rest In Peace Grandma Messages, Quotes and Status

Grandmothers are the ones who do the pampering when the mother refuses to. Grandmothers are very amazing, having an endless supply of hugs and love. They are always loved by their grandchildren. Every grandchild loves to stick around their grandmothers because of the extra care they get from them.

What happens when your grandma is no longer there for you? What happens when death comes to your grandma? This is why we have put together for you “Rest In Peace Grandma Messages.” To remember your wonderful grandma, we have put together this list of comforting statements.

The impact she has made in your life sometimes can be likened to none. This makes her deserve sweet messages from you to bid her goodbye.

Rest In Peace Grandma Short Quotes

1. Though you are no longer here, your love and wisdom will forever guide us. Rest in peace, Grandma. We will always love you.

2. Hello grandma, I have come to see you again. It’s been hard living without you. I hope I find peace and joy soon. Keep resting in peace.

3. It makes me sad to know I am left alone now. You have been my anchor, keeping me firm. I hope I can continue with you. Keep resting in peace.

4. Grandma, your gentle spirit will be deeply missed. Your warm love and care, and your affectionate heart are what I love most about you. May you rest in eternal peace.

5. It still hurts! Knowing that you have breathed your last breath has caused me my worst pain ever. Rest in peace, Grandmum.

6. Your absence has left a huge hole in my heart. I will forever love and cherish you, grandmother. Rest in peace!

7. In your presence, I always felt the love my mother showed me when she was alive. I am so hurt that I won’t get to experience this love from you anymore. Sleep well, Mama.

8. Heaven has finally decided to come take you. I will miss you, but it’s better for you to be with the Father. Rest in perfect peace.

9. Farewell, grandmother. I am very certain that there will be a loud shout of joy in heaven and you are welcomed. You lived well.

10. Amazing grandma! It is so sad that I will never get to see you again. I wish I could see you for just one more time so I could tell you all that I never got the opportunity to say.

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Short Message For Grandmother Who Passed Away

11. You were an amazing grandmother, a carrier of the life and life of God. You were very exemplary in the way you lived your life. I promise to follow in your footsteps.

12. I miss you so much. Your love was a light that brightened our lives, Grandma. Rest peacefully, knowing you will forever be in our hearts.

13. Where do I find comfort? The only one who could comfort me is no more. I guess all I can do is find comfort in memories. Farewell grandma.

14. Grandma, how is it over there? I am sure you are having a much more wonderful time over there than you ever did here. Sleep well, you deserve it.

15. Rest in peace, grandmother. My children and I will forever miss you. Thank you for being an amazing person to us.

16. Grandma, your memory will never fade away as you take your well-deserved rest. Rest in peace knowing you are deeply loved by us all.

17. Sweet Grandmum, I promise I will never forget all of the lessons you taught me. Farewell to you. I hope we meet again in heaven.

18. Grandma, may you find eternal peace and happiness in the presence of Jesus. We love you and miss you dearly. Farewell!

19. Your absence will be greatly felt just as your presence was greatly felt. I hope I find comfort soon. I like you so much, keep resting.

20. With your presence, Grandma, love-filled every corner of our lives. Now that you’re gone, that love will forever remain in our hearts. Rest in peace.

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My Grandma Passed Away Today

21. Since I heard the news of your death, I have been so disturbed. I have not been able to do anything all through today. I am missing you already, Grandma.

22. Goodbye, grandmother. The news of your death has caused me so much pain. I hope you are in a much better place.

23. Words are not enough for me to express how grateful I am for having you as my grandma. You touched every life around you and brought a smile to every face that comes in contact with you. The world will miss you, but I will miss you more.

24. My Grandmother is the reason I am a Christian today. In her, I saw what true Christianity looked like and I fell in love with Christ. Though you are gone, you will always be in my heart.

25. Why did you have to leave so soon, grandma? Though you are gone, the values you instilled in me remain. I love you so much, Grandma.

26. Death cares for no one. How could death take away such a lovely person? You taught me everything that has helped me to where I am today. Rest well, grandma.

27. You gave birth to my beautiful mother and taught her to be a good mother to my siblings and me. We owe our thanks to you for raising such a woman.

28. Why did it have to be today? I already had plans to take you to some European countries so you could enjoy the fruit of your many years of labor. I love you so much.

29. Today, the world has lost a great woman. A woman who knows how to do good from a good and willing heart. Rest in peace, grandmother.

30. I have lost my gem, my everything to the cold hands of death. I hope I will be able to live without you, grandmother. You will forever be in my heart.

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Grandmother Death Status

31. Today is no doubt the saddest day of my life. I have lost my grandmother to death. You showed me the way to live right. You will always be in my heart.

32. Death didn’t take just you, it took a part of me away. You were my everything. Your impact on my life remains evident. Goodbye, Grandma.

33. I remember how you would buy me so many things whenever you were coming to visit when I was little. I will forever miss you. Farewell.

34. Goodbye, for now, my sweetheart. I know we will meet again in a place we can never be separated anymore, and I am sure I will have so much to tell you by then.

35. It is so sad to know that you are gone forever. But I find comfort in knowing that you are with the Lord and enjoying his rest. I will see you again.

36. Nothing can separate us, not even death! A part of you is in me, just as a part of me is in you. I can still feel your presence tangibly around me.

37. Today has been turned upside down for me by the news of your death. I still find it difficult to accept that I will never get to see you smile again. You lived well, Mama

38. Dear Grandma, I can say with all audacity that you have lived well. Your memory lives forever. You were a woman of great virtue, my very own role model. I will miss you.

39. You’re such a rare gem and your impact on my life remains evident. Goodbye, Grandma. We will surely meet again.

30. I miss your smile, grandma. I miss all the wonderful stories you used to tell me. Though you died today, it seems to me like it’s been a year since you left me. I will never forget how much you loved me.

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In Memory Of Grandma Short Quotes

31. A grandma is someone who plays a special role in the lives of her grandchildren. She plays a special part in all the memories they hold in their hearts. Goodbye grandma.

32. I miss you, grandma. You taught me everything that has brought me to this altitude. Every day, I cry knowing I will not see you again.

33. Grandma, if there could be tears that could give me unlimited access to you, I would cry every day just to see your face again.

34. The love of a grandma can not be compared to any other. She loves and cares truly. Keep resting in peace. You deserve it!

35. I miss my grandma more and more every single day that goes by. I promise to do all you have wanted me to do in memory of you.

36. The heart of a grandma is like a place where love trees are grown. You can never go there and not find love and comfort. Keep resting, my love.

37. Hey Grandma, I want you to know that all of the charity work I have been doing has been in loving memory of you. I hope you have found the true peace you have always desired.

38. I miss everything about my grandmother. My grandmother was my hero. In her arms, I could always find safety and peace.

39. I miss you the most every day, sweet grandma. There has never been a day when I didn’t think about you and wish that you were still here with me.

40. On this special day of your remembrance, I want you to know that I have never stopped loving you. You will forever be in my heart.

My Grandmother Passed Away Status

41. I will miss the comfort, love, care, and the sage wisdom of my grandmother. You are the best grandmother anyone can ever have.

42. I believe that the ones who love us never leave us. This is my assurance that you are always with me watching over me. I still love you just like I have always loved you.

43. Grandmothers are the best. They watch over us every day, neglecting their needs to provide for ours. Thank you for looking after me, Grandma.

44. Visiting you was always a day I always looked forward to. Now, all I have are memories of you. Keep resting in peace.

45. In loving memory of grandma. Grandmothers are rare and special gems which when found should be kept safely for the pain their absence brings cut deep into the heart.

46. My grandmother always held my heart from the very start and her arms were open wide as they were the safest place to hide. I miss you, grandma.

47. My grandmother has always been my solid rock, my confidant, and my best friend. I hope you know I miss you every day, grandma.

48. In your hands, I always found solace in times of trouble. Your soothing words always brought me peace. In loving memory of you, I promise to extend your arm of love to me to others.

49. A garden of love in a grandma’s heart is as vast as the ocean. I am lucky to have had a grandmother like you. I hope you know I miss you every day.

50. I just want you to know that you are safe in my heart. Nothing will ever take your place. Your sacrifice for me will never be forgotten. Rest on!

Goodbye Messages For My Grandmother Who Passed Away

51. You always knew how to help me whenever I needed help. It was as if you were my angel, always leading, and helping me. It hurts to see you go so soon.

52. My beautiful grandma, goodbye! You have a personality I will never forget in a hurry. Though you are no longer with us, your essence remains.

53. Grandma, goodbye forever. Forgive me for not being the best I could be. You know I always tried to do the right thing for your sake. I promise to always do right.

54. The warmth I feel from your embrace, your wonderful cooking, and your ability to read minds are what I would miss the most about you. Farewell, my sweet grandma.

55. A time comes in every man’s life no matter how strong or weak he is when he can no longer do anything as a result of death. Though death has taken you beneath the Earth, you will forever remain in my heart.

56. Grandma, you were my very good friend. Your love and compassion for me were so much more than I can explain. I will always have you in my thoughts.

57. Your touch, so gentle, your words, always kind, your cooking, always delicious. The heavens have gained a gem in you, dear Grandma. Sleep on!

58. Looking back at the many years I have stayed with you, I have realized that you are God’s gift to me. The love and lessons you have shared will forever be my guide.

59. The height of your love, the depth of your wisdom, and the simplicity of your heart are what make me love you as much as I do. Grandma, your presence will forever remain with me.

60. With you, I never went hungry for a moment. You took good care of me, providing me with everything I needed. I hope to see you again. Farewell!

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