Thank You For Your Sympathy And Kindness

61 Grateful Ways to Say Thank You For Your Sympathy And Kindness

Everyone needs compassion, everyone needs love. This is enough to drive anyone out of difficult situations. Sympathy and kindness should be shown to anyone who is going through a difficult season. This could be the loss of loved ones, friends, or family.

Have you just gone through a painful season in your life and people have gone out of their way to comfort you? Then you say, thank you for your sympathy and kindness to such people

Never take people’s kindness and sympathy for granted, and ensure every act of kindness towards you is appreciated. Doing this makes men available to stand by you during difficult times.

Thank You For Your Sympathy Meaning

This is a sense of showing gratitude to people who stood by you in your hard times. This could be when you lost a loved one, property, or job. To show that you are grateful both by your words and action show is how to say thank you for your sympathy.

Sympathy Thank You Quotes

1. I appreciate your expression of sympathy deeply. Thank you so much. There are very few people in this world with good intentions and you’re one of them.

2. Helping people is one of your beautiful traits and for this, I say thank you. Your heart and actions emit kindness every time I meet you.

3. I have spent quite many years around you and if I am asked to define you, I will define kindness. For you have shown me how honestly kind you are and I am indeed grateful.

4. Your actions can not be measured by anyone around you as negative cause you emit positive vibes and sympathy it’s admirable. Thank you so much, I do appreciate all your efforts.

5. I am sure a lot of youngsters have you as their role model because of your kindness and how you involuntarily show it. You are one of a kind. Thank you for standing with me.

6. Your sympathetic nature is immeasurable and appealing. We certainly love you for this. God bless you for your big heart.

7. When one shows immense affection and love to another human with intentionality this is pure sympathy and this is you. You have a way of warming the heart of others and it’s one of your unique nature which I admire so much.

8. I can’t count how many times I have fallen short but you have forgiven me and helped too. No other person has shown me such sympathy and kindness. You’re way too kind. Thank you for always.

9. Your sympathetic nature has started to rub off on people around you causing smiles and happiness too. It’s a very appealing nature, which is wonderful. Your contribution was significant.

10. To define you is to define pure sympathy and kindness your heart is beautiful. I am so lucky to have you around me. Well done and thank you for your sympathy and kindness.

11. Thank you for standing by me all through those difficult times. Your sympathy is appealing. I don’t think I could have taken it if you were not around to support me. Thank you

12. Thank you for letting us stay at your humble abode during a challenging time even though it was uncomfortable for you. You’re too kind.

13. We received gifts and flowers you sent every day and we loved them very much. It made us remember to smile even though things weren’t as encouraging. Thank you so much

14. You rendered help even when we didn’t ask for it or expected it. There’s no way to repay your kindness. Your sympathetic nature is way too wonderful.

15. It feels great to know there are still humans like you around who will show such sympathy to unknown people. You’re far too kind.

16. I feel blessed to be associated with someone like you your beautiful words and cards show how sympathetic you are, it’s loving.

17. We can’t completely express how grateful we are for your prayers and supports all through this weird time we’re having. Thank you.

18. Your kindness and support will always be remembered and appreciated. It’s so beautiful to have you around.

19. Your kind is very rare to find. But you’re here and we are confident that your heart goes out to every one of us daily and we’re grateful for this.

20. This is me expressing how thankful I am to you for all the help and sympathy you have shown to me and my family. We are grateful.

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Heartfelt Thank You For Sympathy

21. Your expression of sympathy and love all through my time of loss was greatly felt and encouraging. You are a very very rare being.

22. Your time of persistence and consistent comfort all through this difficult time was inspiring. Despite how sad I was feeling your energy and love were overwhelming.

23. The help you have given me through these dark times ascertain me that it will pass and your words make me feel much better each day. Thank you so much.

24. Whenever I start to feel down or less of myself again your words pop into my mind and make me look forward with high optimism.

25. You are indeed a force to reckon with. And a good vibe to always be around at all times. I wouldn’t take your sympathy for granted.

26. Without the love and kindness, you have shown me in recent times I am sure this burden would have been too great to bear. Your sympathy and kindness have helped me immensely.

27. Through this time of grief, you have been a pillar of strength for me. You have helped me navigate through this storm. I want to say a big thank you for your expression of sympathy.

28. Bottling up emotions has made it difficult for me to move on and relate freely but meeting you has shown me a different light and expression of love and kindness. You’re wonderful.

29. What a wonderful soul you are expressing your sympathetic heart the way you do. You are so unique and special. Thank you.

30. I am glad I have a true and kind friend like you with supportive words that are so inspiring. Breaks my heart that you are miles away.

Thank You Note For The Sympathy Gift

31. We are so grateful for your generosity. It was greatly received and helped a lot. Thank you so much.

32. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are appealing. I can’t thank you enough for all your sympathy gifts. They’re lovely.

33. We deeply appreciate your thoughtful donation in honor of our loved one. We are so grateful for your kindness.

34. Not many people were able to show up and help the way you did in different areas. You were up and about and we cannot thank you enough for the gifts you came bearing with smiles.

35. The dinner you brought home to my family was quite thoughtful of you. We’ll never forget this kindness, you’re a great friend.

36. You don’t know how much it meant to us to stay over to ensure every preparation was taken care of. You are a gift to us.

37. Thank you for now and always. I received the gifts you sent on my special day. They indeed made me smile wholeheartedly

38. Without much thought, I knew from where and whom sent all these packages. They brought me joy as I unwrapped each one. Thank you so much.

39. It was indeed thoughtful of you to have prepared such a beautiful surprise party for my dad to come back home from the clinic. He shed tears of Joy and was excited.

40. Your heartfelt speech at the program was nothing compared to the sympathy gifts and donations you offered. They were amazing, God bless you.

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Wording For Sympathy Thank You Notes

41. Thank you for your sympathy at this time. It made us glad knowing that you care so much.

42. Your kind words and thoughts expressed are very heartwarming and beautiful. Thank you for your kindness

43. My husband and the whole family were touched by the beautiful words in the cards you sent. Everyone was beaming wholeheartedly.

44. I hope you know how much comfort you brought to us with the way you carefully expressed sympathy in your words last night.

45. I received the beautiful flowers you sent with the gift card too. They made my day very pleasant. You’re too kind

46. I saw the reminder mail you saved on my phone and I must confess how much they lift my spirits every day at my difficult job. Thank you for doing this.

47. You always find an avenue to show that you care. This warms my heart each time. You have proved that you do care for me and my family.

48. The kindness you show to me always makes me feel brighter, for I received your gift and it is well appreciated.

49. I came home to a basket of your beautiful sympathy. It’s comforting to have those treats after a while. Thank you.

50. Thank you for standing by me all through this tough time and your words of condolences cannot be measured, they were amazing.

Sympathy Thank You Notes To Co-Workers

51. Thank you so much to the best team in this firm your love and support are well appreciated. I can’t thank you enough.

52. I have worked in a couple of firms with good coworkers but you guys here supersede others with your kindness and sympathy

53. There hasn’t been a day I came back home as gloomy as I left it cause I have amazing co-workers bombarding me with high spirits and a good mood.

54. The exciting feeling of coming to work each day is a result of how sympathetic all my co-workers have been to me. I am glad I work here

55. There’s nothing more fascinating than having euphoric and optimistic co-workers who ensure you’re I’m your best mood even during challenging work times

56. I have had a couple of challenging work times but my co-workers have made it easy by kindly showing me the way out. Thank you so much for sympathizing with us.

57. I am grateful for the table cards passed around the office at lunch hour. They are very encouraging.

58. Words play a very important role in people’s minds ans and the ones passed around the work area have been lifting my spirits.

59. I am grateful to have been picked to work here amongst such sympathetic people. You’re way too kind and amazing.

60. There’s no better place to spend over eight hours working than a comfortable area filled with kind people. Thank you for all you do.

61. There are very few people in this world with good intentions and hearts of kindness like you. You have indeed shown me how wonderful and amazing you are and I am very grateful.

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