3am Prayers For Mercy And Miracles

70 Powerful 3am Prayers For Mercy And Miracles

Midnights are special times when a man should learn to deny himself of sleep and engage God in prayer. It takes sacrifices to get up at midnight and petition Heaven concerning things that you want to see in your life. Sacrifice answers as much as prayers do. Do you want to see God’s miraculous power break forth in your life, then you need 3 am prayers for mercy and miracles.

There are specific times during the day and at night when certain types of prayers are more effective. You can pray always and at any time you like. However, denying yourself sleep to speak to God will make wonders from above permanently yours.

Your prayers will start yielding better results and you will get that job and resolve those situations when you stay consistently in prayers long enough. I tell you by God of heaven that God is eager to hear your prayers. Therefore, pray!

3am Prayers For Mercy And Miracles

1. Dear God, I thank you for the privilege to stand up at midnight and pray to you. Father make me a star. I want to shine and become more productive in my life. Cause me to shine, Lord in the mighty name of Jesus.

2. My God, enlighten my mind to experience you as I have never done before in my life from the time I was born. Make yourself known to me like never before in Jesus’ name.

3. Heavenly Father, show me mercy by giving me a miraculous job that will turn my life around positively. Let me be partaker of your mercy.

4. Let the miracle that is only possible with God be my portion this day and always for the rest of my life in the gracious name of Jesus.

5. Have mercy on me, Lord. Show me your mercy by granting me what I need to live comfortably on earth so that my life can reflect your glory.

6. I have no other helper aside from you, my Lord. Let the hand of your mercy be evident in my life and in all that concerns me and my family at large in the powerful name of Jesus.

7. I need your mercy and miracle, Jesus. You are the only one that can deliver me. Let your power come upon me and set me free in the name of Jesus.

8. In the mighty name of Jesus, miracles will never cease in my life and my affairs. Everything that I do will have a touch of the miraculous power of God.

9. As I walk into this day, I walk in your mercy. May your power never stops causing changes in my life and the lives of my loved ones.

10. Let your mercy speak for me in places where I can’t speak for myself, Lord. Go before me and bring down every mountain that can stand against me. In Jesus’ name.

Praying at 3am

11. Thank you for a new day, Lord. Today is blessed for me and I will prosper in all I lay my hands upon to do in the mighty name of Jesus.

12. I start this day with my ministering angels. I receive heavenly packages of favor and goodness all around me in Jesus’ name.

13. Every spirit of fear around my life or troubling any member of my family, I bind you right this moment in the powerful name of Jesus.

14. I put to flight anything that is set to cause me pain today. I break them to pieces as they rise against me and my household in Jesus’ name.

15. Let every door of good things that have refused to open be opened now. Every door of evil that has refused to close is closed now. In the name of Jesus.

16. Lord, bless me beyond the expectations of men and women. That they may know that you still rule in the affairs of me all over the world in the mighty name of Jesus.

17. Father, lead me on the right path where I can fulfill all your plans for my life. Take me upward and forward in your glory in Jesus’ name.

18. I belong to you, Jesus. Use me to your glory. Use me for signs and wonders. Use me for changing the lives of the people you died for on the cross.

19. Lord, I can do nothing without you. Take absolute control of my life and make me your vessel of gold to your glory in the name of Jesus.

20. This day that you have made, bless me in it Lord. Causing me to function at a high level of productivity in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Related topic: prophetic declaration of blessing

Praying at 3am Testimonies

21. I separate myself from any form of stagnation and failure in life. My path is the path of the Lord, most high in the mighty name of Jesus.

22. Until my divine helpers favor me, may they keep looking for me till they find me. I will not miss my helpers in the name of Jesus Christ.

23. Everything that needs to happen for those that will help me to find me begins to happen now in the mighty name of Jesus.

24. I stand against my household enemy that is working against my success and testimonies. Let all the plans of the enemy fail in Jesus’ name.

25. I command the devil’s hand over my life to wither and be permanently taken off me now and forever in the powerful name of Jesus.

26. Every evil brooding around me or any of my loved ones is canceled and erased from our lives in the mighty name of Jesus.

27. Whatever I need to start doing to become successful, my eyes are opened now to see it. As I see it, I do the needful in Jesus’ name.

28. I declare my life free from demonic oppressions. Let there be a wall of the fire of God around my life to shield me in the mighty name of Jesus.

29. My eyes are open to seeing good job opportunities that will help me go higher in life to your glory. Help me, Lord, in the name of Jesus.

30. Father, open my ears to hear of the right things that can change my life greatly in the powerful name of Jesus.

Related topic: new week prayer and blessing

Powerful 3am Prayers

31. The word that will change my life forever to your glory, Father let me hear it. I refuse to ever listen to the wrong voices in Jesus’ name

32. Father, I receive a sharp vision that will make me a force for the expansion of your kingdom on earth in the name of Jesus.

33. Lord, keep me far away from those that want to hurt me in life. Keep me always in the arm of your love for me to keep doing what you have called me to do in Jesus’ name.

34. As my heart pants after you, hold me firmly so that I do not fall by the roadside of life. Keep me in your bosom in the mighty name of Jesus.

35. I receive the wisdom to live my life the way you want me to, my God. Give me your wisdom that I may live for you alone in the name of Jesus Christ.

36. Father help me to grow in my walk with you. Lead me in your path so that I may please you all the days of my life in the precious name of Jesus.

37. Father, keep me at the top in life. The bottom is not my portion and it can never be my portion. In the gracious name of Jesus.

38. Failure is not my portion by any means and in all areas of my life. I will only prosper and not fail in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father!

39. Lord, give me the ability to interpret your instructions better. Cause me to understand you better that I may always do your will in Jesus’ name.

40. Let your will alone be done in our lives, Jesus. Rule in our affairs nights and days that your kingdom may be experienced by all the people that you died for.

3am Prayer For A Job

41. Lord, give me this job that I love so much. I know I can have it because you can give it to me. I receive it in the mighty name of Jesus.

42. You’re the all-powerful God, give me a job and give me the wisdom to work productively to your glory and the growth of the company in Jesus’ name.

43. Anything that has successfully stood against me from getting a great job is hereby destroyed in the powerful name of Jesus.

44. This month, I begin to work. I get the right job and I will never be jobless again in my life. I receive many job opportunities in the mighty name of Jesus.

45. Father, help me identify the right job to take. May I not be carried away by money. Let your Spirit lead me to take the right job in Jesus’ name.

46. Let your hand rest on my application letter. Work things out in my favor rapidly and be glorified in my situations in the wonderful name of Jesus.

47. In my quest to have a job, help me to yield to your Spirit every moment in the process and after I get the job in the mighty name of Jesus.

48. As you give me a good job, nothing will ruin my reputation at work. I will not disappoint you, Lord in the name of Jesus Christ.

49. From this day onward, I begin to get great and mind-blowing job offers. It only gets better from here onward in the mighty name of Jesus.

50. Divine favor is mine continuously and I enjoy the blessings of the Lord over my life. My desire to have a job is granted in Jesus’ name.

Powerful 3am Prayers Catholic

51. My Jesus, send me great destiny helpers that will help me genuinely. May I become great and impactful in life for you in the name of Jesus, my Lord.

52. By the grace and mercy of our Lord, Jesus, I am not going to be a victim o life. I am already a victor and I will remain victorious. In the name of Jesus.

53. Every day of my life will bring me closer to my great destiny. I will not mess up the good plan of my Saviour over my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

54. My life is a testimony of the goodness of God. Father, keep doing your works in me and take all the glory in the precious name of Jesus.

55. I’m all yours Lord Have your way all the time in my life. Take me to wherever you want and use me however you want. In the mighty name of Jesus.

56. My Lord, when people look at me, let them see you. Use me to minister your power and glory to men and women in the name of Jesus.

57. Help me to show people the love in your heart for them, Jesus. That they ne know how much you love them and give their hearts to you

58. Dear Saviour, guide me and keep me far away from the evil one who has determined to hurt me in the mighty name of Jesus.

59. Everywhere I go, Father make me your instrument of praise. Exalt yourself in my life and through my life. This I pray in the name of Jesus.

60. Jesus, let your wisdom be found in me every time I act and talk. Fill me up with only your wisdom that I may please you with my words and actions in Jesus’ name.

3am Prayer For Marriage

61. Let my life partner find me this month by divine order. Everywhere my life partner is right now, let something bring us together in Jesus’ name.

62. My God, my marriage will not fail. It will start and continue to remain strong in you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.

63. The hand of the devil stretched to make me fail in marriage is destroyed by the power of God in the mighty name of Jesus.

64 Nothing will stop me from getting married this year. I will get married and be happily married till the end of time in the name of Jesus.

65. As I get married, I will give birth to great children. I will not be barren in my marriage in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

66. My home is blessed and every member of my family is fruitful beyond human comprehension in the mighty name of Jesus.

67. Father, give me my life partner that will make life easier for me. I will not marry anyone that will be torn to my flesh.

68. All I need to make my marriage beautiful, I receive them in the name of Jesus. I receive from the least important to the most important thing that we need to enjoy our home in Jesus’ name.

69. We will not lack in our marriage. God is our supplier of all the good and beautiful things we need day to day and we will not be disconnected from Him in the name of Jesus.

70. Father, bless this union. May we have the best marriage in the history of humanity. Let your name be magnified forever in our home in Jesus’ name.

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