Tribute To An Amazing Mother

50 Examples of Tribute To An Amazing Mother for Funeral

Mothers are the most precious individuals in the world. Whoever stood in the gap for you as a mother, whether biological or not, the death of a mother is the most painful thing anyone can experience. A mother plays a vital role in the family, giving all her time and everything to make sure the families are in good condition. When a great mother is gone, she then deserves tribute to an amazing mother.

All mothers are amazing for the fact that they carry you for months, breastfeed, back you, and take good care of you till you are fit to cater for yourself. They all deserve accolades no matter the way they live their lives.

Paying tribute to a mother who has gone for life is a gesture biological children, adopted and others want to make. It can also be done in different ways whether spoken or written. A kind of statement you can talk about to make the tribute emotional is to talk about how important she is to you, her impact, her uniqueness, and her kind of person in general

We have amazing and numerous emotional lists of tributes to mothers that will touch all aspects of your mother’s life. Check them out.

Short Tribute To A Mother

1. Mother you were the dearest, kindest, truest mother have ever seen. You made life easy for me. You are more like an Angel to me.

2. Ever since I have grown to know you as my mother you have become my world. I will never trade all of your effort over my life for anything.

3. Some mothers rain curses on their children but you have always been praying for me no matter how annoying I act up you have never cursed me. I love you, Mom

4. You are such a blessing to whoever runs to you for help. You never mock or make jokes about people in their conditions. You have been a source of joy to many.

5. You taught me kindness, making peace with people, love, endurance, and patience and all of these have kept me moving so far. We will never depart from your legacy. Sleep well, Mom.

6. Mom I want to say a very big thank you and if I have to say it a million times I will honorably do that because you deserve more than thank you. You are indeed a godmother. I love you till we meet again.

7. It saddens my heart that you have gone in such a time like this, you lived your life serving mankind. Life was full of joy, patience, kindness, love and care. You will be missed, Mama.

8. I will continue to miss you, my good mentor and role model. It is so painful that you won’t be sitting as my mother on my wedding day, I don’t know how to bear this. But I send you off in peace.

9. That very day you left me was the saddest day of my life. I honestly don’t know if you hold a strong place in my heart not until I lose you to death. You stood out as a good mother among others. Thank you for being our champion.

10. Missing a dead person so dear to you is another kind of pain entirely. Dear Mom, no one compares to you since you left us. We missed all that you are to us. Thank you for your love, labor, and service. Forever in our hearts.

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Tribute To A Dead Mother Samples

11. I deeply miss you mom. It saddens me that I can’t get to talk and gist with you about how my day went. You are the face behind my success story. It is extremely crazy living without you by my side. I want to see you again Mom, I want to hear you call my name. I love you so much, Dear mother.

12. Anytime I realize that of a truth you are no more breaks my heart into pieces. The fact that I had planned the whole earth for your 60th birthday just to appreciate your kindness as a good mother not knowing you won’t wait to witness the day. I’m only grateful you are gone to rest.

13. Dear Mother, I don’t know where to start to begin to appreciate you. You deserve an award as the best mother since time passed. You ain’t supposed to be celebrated in the grave but it is what it is. You loved everyone in and outside your circle with every breath in you. Thank you for being the best mother. I love you plenty!

14. You were so caring and accommodating, you have this trait of watching out for people which I love to imitate. Everyone is missing you already including me. I miss your pepper stew. In particular, no one can prepare it the way you do. Keeping resting and smiling from heaven. You are the best!

15. Even though I was always the black sheep of the family, going out to create problems and fighting others, making fools of myself out there you never because of that maltreat me. You opened your arms receiving me with love and now I realize how much you care for me. I love you forever Mama!

16. I would have been wandering around if not for you in my life, you were not ashamed of me in any form. Despite my bad attitude you never chase me away. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I will never trade all of your love for anything over my life. Continue to rest well, good mama.

17. Your death has left a scar on my heart and it hurt the most that you will not be there to witness my graduation and induction as a medical doctor. It has always been your dream for me to become a doctor and here I am but you are not here. All my days I will always remember you.

18. How I wish every day your death could be a dream that will never come to pass. Because it is hard not to have you in this world, you mean the world to me, dear mother. I promise to make sure I become that successful person you want me to be even in your absence. Enjoy your place in heaven.

19. Death will never think of how painful it is to lose someone so dear to you. We are speechless to death because it is inevitable and irreversible. Your death Mom, hurt so bad and I find it difficult to let go of you. You are my Angel and my hope when I thought everything was over for me but you stood in the gap to make sure life treated me well. I will take it to heart, rest well Mom.

20. I honestly don’t understand why death has to separate people from people they love to see every day of their lives. Death is so heartbreaking and left me speechless. But I will keep celebrating because you lived an amazing life. No one will take your place in my life.

Read also: Comforting Word for death anniversary

Examples Of Tribute To My Mother

21. Dear Mother, you are a source of joy and blessings to me, my siblings, my neighbors, and other members of the family as a whole. You were this talented and full of wisdom to give solutions to people’s problems. Whenever I think about you there’s always joy in my heart and smiles on my face because I have a mother that impacts the world. Sending my best farewell mama!

22. No one likes my mother because she was my gist partner and my vibe giver. Whenever I feel sad and dull about the way things are going around me as a grown-up child she finds a way to make me happy. Her sweet words lighten my burden and lighten up my day. I will miss you dearly mama.

23. Everybody is missing you here Mama, you are such a good mother everyone will love to have. You never discriminate against people or judge them by their actions, you always see good in people and assure them that they can do better even though those people know they are wicked. You are such an auspicious woman.

24. Saying goodbye to your mother isn’t the end of your love in my heart but a wish for you to rest well in that peaceful place. You have taught me so much about life and I will not depart from it. I will always learn how to see good in anything, everything, and everybody around me. I love you, great mother.

25. You promised to stay with me Mother, I can’t face the ups and downs of this world alone. Ever since you died I have always been seeing you in my dream and tears roll down my face. I realized I had lost a priceless Jewel, now that you have gone forever I will miss you dearly Mother!

26. When I remember you Mom, I recall how you love orderliness. My mother will make sure everything is in place even down to the tiny thing. You will think she has been harsh when she finds things flying around the home but that’s who she is naturally. Keeping things back to their normal places. No like you Mom, rest well.

27. I love my mother so much that I wasn’t expecting her to leave this soon. She’s all there is in this world. I honestly don’t know how to cope without you. You are just the best mother in the world and I will choose you over and over again if God permits that. Goodbye to you, my world.

28. I find it hard to accept my fate that you are no more forever. Why do I have to lose you this soon? How I wish I could change the hand of time to right my wrongs, love, and care for you better, pay you more visits, and take you to wherever you want to visit in the world but I’m so sad I missed that opportunity. Rest well great mother!

29. I will never forget your mantra that “This life is nothing but full of vanity” This quote has transformed my life so well. I love the way you handle life because truly there’s nothing so special in this world other than the grace of God. You never cover up your wrongdoings, you are so beautiful and kind-hearted. I celebrate you forever Mama.

30. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I see how you work so hard to see me get to the top but you never wait to enjoy your labor. Funny how I still pick up my phone to call you then I realize you are gone for real. I love you so much, my superhero.

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Tribute To Mother From Daughter For Funeral

31. My true desire is to be like you as I grow. You were such a beacon of strength and a fountain of inspiration to me and other people around. Your kind is rare, your type is not compared to any In this world. Rest in mama

32. Dear mother, you were indeed a Godsent. For as long I could recall I haven’t seen you get angry or be sad over anything, you were always happy and cheerful. You have this aura of peace around you and it’s a meaningful one. Life is well lived on earth. I love you, keep resting.

33. For the fact that you enjoy feeding people most especially strangers is what I couldn’t fathom before your demise. But I see joy in their faces whenever you feed them. You have helped thousands of needy to their satisfaction. I must say you are extraordinary among mothers.

34. Alongside your act of goodwill get to piss me off, because everyone knows the nook and cranny of our house. But I see how fulfilled you are doing that. Your great deeds will be remembered for life.

35. Regardless of your state of health you won’t cease fasting and praying on our behalf. You are not just a mother to me but an Angel. You were specially crafted by my mother and am grateful you brought me to this world. No one can be like you in my life. You will be greatly missed, mother.

36. I promise to continue to work on your path of truthfulness and helping others. Your good deeds are now paving the way for us. It’s so painful you couldn’t wait a bit more to enjoy the fruit of your good deeds but we are grateful that you did that for our sake. Heaven Bliss!

37. I pray that your soul finds peace. I honestly don’t know where to start because you are an amazing mother. Is it the day I hear you pray at midnight? The Angels are rejoicing at your acceptance to heaven because you are a child of God. I’m saying thank you again for impacting my life. I will always love you!

38. You were a humble woman to the core, you are so beautiful in and out, super sweet, pure, and calm. I’m happy I learned the majority of what I know today from you. You were my teacher, mentor, and role model I can recommend to anyone. Continue to rest on I love you, sweet mother.

39. If others are not proud of their mother, I’m saying again today that I’m lucky to have you as my mother even if you are no more. You were a genius and hardworking one, your kind of industrious person has no other, coupled with the fact that we don’t have a father you single-handedly raised 3 children, and here we are in a better place. May your soul find perfect peace.

40. I so much regret that you couldn’t enjoy the fruit of your labor so well before your demise. I wish God could give you more time to show how much I truly care about you. You are such an extraordinary person, your way of doing is always exceptional. I love you so much, Mum. Keep resting in God’s arms.

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Emotional Tribute To A Mother Who Passed Away

41. I will greatly miss you, dear mother, you were one in a million. So kind-hearted, caring, loving, beautiful in and out. You share your love extendedly not only to us but other children. You have given us a lot of moral lessons that can help us anywhere we find ourselves. Who else can be this good as a mother? None.

42. You leaving us during this critical period is so unbearable. How do I go about our pending conversation? You left me hanging Mom this hurt so much. Who do I turn to? Where do I start from? You were my source of inspiration and encouragement. I feel loved anytime I am with you. I can’t picture life without you. I love you, Mama!

43. What a rare gem you are, a priceless Jewel no one can afford. Regardless of your health status, you lived for us almost, especially me. I will never trade your love and effort over my life for nothing they have helped me to go this far. Making sure we are in a good state and comfortable is an understatement because you are just the best. We will forever miss you!

44. Mummy was an amazing, beautiful, talented, loving and caring mother. She never jokes with us or whoever desires a mother’s care. She was full of strength and wisdom. Her good character is not compared to others. We love you every day and night. Rest well!

45. How do I explain to the world your kind of mother? In a short word, you were a true figure of motherhood. Mothers like you are rare in this world, you raised us in the way of the Lord, praying and fasting on our behalf making sure we get to the top at all points. But death took you away from us, this is so sad but we pray you find peace.

46. I honestly wish I had the power to bring you back to life but this is beyond me. I felt a part was missing when you left. Precious Mom, I will miss you so much. From my heart, I wish you peace and comfort as you live with the Angels.

47. Dear Mother, I hope you are resting well in heaven. If you can see down from heaven I want you to know that your legacy will be honorably conserved. Thank you for living a good life and making the right choice that is speaking for us now.

48. Mother like no other, losing you has been a great loss for me. You cared and showed me love and perfection in your motherhood. You worked hard, prayed, and fasted for us, and paid random sacrifices that I can’t forget. I love you, dear mother. Heaven Bliss!

49. Beautiful mother, there’s a lot I want to say to express your motherly love to me but I found myself speechless because your love towards me is unconditional. You may be gone from me now but I know your spirit is with me. You have lived a great life. Continue to smile at me from heaven. Rest well mother!

50. When I think of all you have done for me, honestly you shouldn’t have left so soon. I have prepared a lot of beautiful places to visit, different gifts, and brought your wishes to pass but it is so sad that you are no more. You are everything to me and more and there’s no word to fully express the special place she’s held in my life. I love you, Mom.

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