Words of Comfort on Anniversary of Death

70 Words of Comfort on Anniversary of Death of Loved Ones

Have you lost someone so dear to you for some years now and you want to celebrate the memory of such a one? Celebrating the people you consider very important to you is a needful event every year. An anniversary of this nature will require beautiful words to comfort you and bless the memory of the departed fellow. You will find words of comfort on anniversary of death to meet this need.

When a loved one is lost, the soul is devastated and everything falls apart. The death of a loved one is not a desirable thing. It brings hurt and depth of unpleasant feelings. If this is your case, my condolences. However, I want to let you know that you can be happy again after this painful loss. Yes, you can be happy!

You will never think of having a death anniversary of anyone if the person has not lived a meaningful life. The feelings of hurt or pain will be far gone if you focus your mind on the good works the person has done than the fact the person is dead. I believe this will make you feel light and joyful rather than sad.

Find words of comfort here for the death anniversary of that fellow.

Thinking Of You On The Anniversary Of A Death

1. Thinking of you today stirred my heart and moved me to tears. We had dreams and plans to travel around the world together. I hope to fulfill this dream for both of us. You will always have my love and support.

2. I just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of both you and [him/her] during this day. I’ll be sure to have a drink in [his/her] honor. Be strong!

3. It’s been nine years since you lost your mum. She was a very peaceful person, she had a good heart and was always ready to help. I pray that you find comfort in the Lord. I will always be here for you.

4. I have been thinking of the right words to say, and I realized I would end up not saying anything if I don’t say anything now. The bond between a parent and a child is deep and difficult to quantify. I have always had you in my prayers. We all love you.

5. With each day that passes, I wish he was still here with you. Those special memories we made have helped me to live in these difficult moments. I hope you are hanging on too. Let’s be strong!

6. I can’t imagine how much pain you are in. Your dad was wonderful, he was a good man. He was the light of my life. He showed me the right path and I will always be grateful to him for that. I want you to know that you will always have a place in my heart.

7. Those special memories we made helped me live on. I hope he is resting somewhere beautiful, just as he deserves. He was truly a wonderful person.

8. His impact on my life cannot be overemphasized. He was the light of my life and I shall always remember our time together. He lived well!

9. No matter the years that pass by, my memories of you will never pass by. Not a day goes by without me longing to speak to you again. Rest in peace, till we meet again.

10. As each day passes, we miss you more and more. If only I had the power, I would have brought him back to life. He was truly a wonderful person. I will always celebrate him.

What To Say On A Death Anniversary To A Friend

11. Life always gives to us gifts. She was one of the gifts given to us. Though it hurts to know that she’s gone, I am glad she was a gift to us.

12. I feel so cold right now. I am not entirely certain how you feel now, but I am sure you are hurting. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You have all of my support.

13. Wishing you heartfelt sympathies on such a trying day. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. I love you.

14. Time moves so slowly. It’s been a year since we lost her, but it just seems like yesterday. On this one-year anniversary of her death, I raise my glass to honor her for a well-lived life. This world didn’t deserve her.

15. The pain of losing such an amazing person never fades away. Your dad was simply the best dad anyone could have. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

16. Sending you my warmest hugs and thoughts on this anniversary. I hope you find peace and joy again. I love you.

17. No matter how much time passes, you will never see him again. I believe he is currently watching over you. Let the beautiful memories cloud your heart. Be strong!

18. No one wants to lose a loved one. Hoping you find strength on such a difficult day. I hope you find happiness again, my friend.

19. We mark a year of his passing just as we have been doing for the past three years. May his soul continue to rest in peace.

20. Wishing you heartfelt sympathies on such a trying day. Goodbyes hurt, but you have to say goodbye if you would enjoy peace and joy again. My thoughts are with you, I love you.

Tribute On Death Anniversary

21. I never got to tell you and thank you for everything. Your life was what brought the change in my life. I will forever be indebted to you.

22. A year without you has felt like an eternity. Having you around was comforting. Now it feels like I have been left out in the cold. Missing you always.

23. A man who lived well should be celebrated in his death. My dad lived well, he lived to please God. I am proud to call him my father.

24. Our loved ones never leave us even after death. They remain with us in our hearts. The thoughts of him will always remain in my heart.

25. While your loved one may no longer walk on this green Earth, the days that they spent here were incredible. The life they lived and the people they touched will stay in our memories forever. I will always love Dad.

26. I know that this anniversary is immensely disheartening, and that’s because no one thought death would befall him. I encourage everyone present here to be strong, this is what he would have wanted.

27. It’s sad that I have to stand here and speak about my friend. We grew up together, ate together, and did so many things together. We had even started planning to start a business together before the cold hands of death took him away. I will forever cherish him.

28. It’s difficult to come across a friend like (deceased name). He was brave and at the same time timid. He loved country music so much. We would always party together, and go on trips and boat rides together. His thoughts will always remain in my heart. My heartfelt sympathies to his family.

29. We all know this world is not a permanent habitat for us, but no one prays to leave early. It is a sad day for me and everyone here. Today, I celebrate a friend. Though he is dead, he lives on in my heart.

30. No one deserves to die the way she did. I have not come here to pay tribute, I have come here to challenge you all to not let her death be in vain. She must get justice!

Remembering Someone On Their Death Anniversary

31. This world feels lesser without you. It’s been six years since you left us here. No one has been able to get over your death. I pray we all find peace, comfort, and strength. We will always love you.

32. No day is the same without you, no month is the same without you, and no year is the same without you. Life just feels empty to me without you. I hope I find the strength to live again.

33. This is extremely difficult for me. For several years, I have tried to forget about his death. It just hurts imagining the pain he was in before he died. Sometimes, I wish I could go with him for a walk one last time.

34. I know that this is an extremely difficult time for you. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and my well-wishes. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling right now but know that I am here for you no matter what.

35. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on this anniversary, your mum was a good woman. I can’t imagine how much pain you are in now. I am here to provide you with any assistance you may need.

36. Since the day you passed, It’s been difficult for me to live a normal life. I sometimes wish I died instead of you. I know we will meet again, never to be separated.

37. Even as I remember this painful day, I hope to always reflect on the beautiful times we had together. My heart truly longs to see you again.

38. My heart truly goes out to you in this time of painful sorrow. Today marks a year since we lost him. My thoughts and well wishes are with you.

39. I know it’s a lot to deal with, but I ask that you be strong. My condolences to you and your family. I love you all.

40. Tonight, I am headed to our favorite spot. Where we would always go to pour out our hearts. I need to pour out my heart tonight. I miss you so much.

Remembrance Messages Death Anniversary

41. I think we ought to be grateful that we had the gift of (deceased name in our lives). I want you to know that I am here for you always.

42. I am thinking of you today on this difficult day. I hope nothing but comfort for you on this difficult day. I love you.

43. When you are sorrowful, look again into your heart, and you will see that you are only weeping for what has been a delight to you. I know you miss him/her dearly. I want you to know that I am here for you in this difficult moment.

44. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you find happiness again. I can only imagine how hard it is for you. He was a precious gift to every one of us.

45. I thought of you this morning. It must be so hard for you on the anniversary of your (dad, mum, brother, sister) death. I ask that you be strong. Call me if you need anything.

46. He lived well. He was a hero, he was our hero. Do you remember the time he protected us from those bullies? The world lost by losing him. We are fortunate to have had him in our lives. He will forever be in our hearts.

47. No one prays to lose a loved one. I know you are in so much pain now and I wish I could take away your pain. I hope you find peace and joy again. I love you.

48. I pray for you daily, that you good Lord comfort you and your family. Today makes it a year since you lost your brother. I am sure he is singing Hallelujah with the angels right now.

49. Cheer up man! Your father lived well. He was a father to all. Everyone in this town has one or two things to be grateful to your dad for. My support and love are with you always.

50. It must be a very difficult day for you! I wish I could be by your side. I ask that you only reflect on the beautiful moments you had with her. Let the light of those moments shine in your heart.

Remembrance Death Anniversary Quotes

51. It hasn’t been easy remembering the circumstances that led to your death. I am proud of you. You lead a good life, a life worthy of emulation.

52. On your death anniversary, I choose to honor you for being a brave soldier. No man is a man without his honor. You lived an honorable life, it’s the best way to live.

53. Where there is deep grief, there is great love. Thinking of you on this day full of so many big feelings. We know this has been difficult for you, and you are always in our hearts.

54. A thousand words won’t be enough to speak of how good you were. Your actions and words were always filled with love.

55. You never stop loving someone; you just learn to live without them. It’s been difficult learning to live without you, but I just have to. I hope to find joy again.

56. How lucky I am to have known someone like your mum. A virtuous woman, full.of wisdom. I promise to always be available for you.

57. Living every day without a loved one is hard, I just wanted you to know that I will always be here for you. My prayers are with you always.

58. Being joyful always makes even the most difficult situations harmless. I know you have cried a lot, and gone through pain over and over again, but I ask that you give yourself the chance to be happy again. You deserve to live.

59. Say not in grief that they are gone, but give thanks they were yours. You deserve to be happy. We will always be here for you.

60. Life is eternal, and love is immortal. Death is a path of life, it is a passage to the world beyond. I hope to see you again!

One Year Anniversary Of Death What To Say

61. It has been one year since (deceased name) passed away. We will always remember the memories we created together. You will forever be in our hearts.

62. Sending you love and best wishes on the death anniversaries of your loved one. I hope you are doing okay. Call me if you need anything.

63. On this day a year ago, you died. It’s tough to lose a loved one. It is much tougher to accept that you will never see him/her again. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

64. I remember a year ago, we went on our first date. It was a really beautiful moment and we promised to stay by each other till we grew old. Sadly, you left so early. I miss you so much.

65. Thinking of you today and every day. You were always loved and will never be forgotten. Our memories of you will never fade!

66. It is said that “time heals all wounds”. I am starting to doubt that. It’s been a year since your death, but the wound it caused me still feels so fresh. I miss you so much.

67. It’s tough to lose a loved one, it’s much tougher to never forget. We miss you so much and love you always. Rest on!

68. I still find it hard sometimes to believe that you are gone, Mum. I always dreamt of giving you a good life. I am sorry I wasn’t able to do that. I love you.

69. We never got to spend much time together. I would have spent all day, weeks, months, and years with you if I knew you would be leaving soon. You will forever remain in my thoughts.

70. It’s painful to handle the loss of a loved one. We wish you were still with us today, troubling us like you always did. We all miss you so much. You will never be forgotten.

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