Course Feedback Comments Examples

70 Positive and Negative Course Feedback Comments Examples from Participants

Registering for a course is not the same thing as getting the value of your enrollment. You can either have positive or negative experiences in the course that you undertake. It’s important to send feedback to the institution that offers you the courses to help them get better in the deployment of their duties. Hence, the need for course feedback comments examples

When giving feedback, the sentence structure must be constructive especially if you have a negative experience with the institution or the facilitators that offer you the course. You are free to criticize but you have to be very constructive about it bearing in mind that your criticism can help the organization get better.

If you had a negative experience with your institution, you can project it. But do not forget to state those things that you appreciate about them. This will help them improve and render better services to the generation coming behind.

Feedback For Online Courses Examples

Below are course feedback comments examples!

1. I enjoyed the course. It was everything I imagined it to be. Each session was resourceful and impactful, Thank you to everyone who made the course great for me. Well done and good job.

2. This course was not as hard as I thought it would be. At first, I thought it was difficult. But, as time went by, I saw how easy it is. What a great course! I appreciate the exceptional teachers and the facilitators of this course.

3. The course is certainly not for the faint-hearted. You have to be mentally tough to get good grades in it regardless of how challenging it becomes to understand it. Anyway, it was simplified by the facilitators.

4. With the help of good friends and classmates, I was able to master the course so well that I Passed with flying colors. I am really happy that I did well.

5. Thank you to everyone that worked hard for us to understand the course. You guys have done an amazing job that is making everyone happy right now. I will be forever proud of this organization.

6. What would I have done without the help of great minds? You all put great efforts together so that we could perform well in the course. Well done, guys!

7. I think we can do better next time. The performance in the course was not very bad but we could have done better than we did. Let’s work harder next time.

8. I don’t think failure is an option here. It looked like we were going to fail but we did not. Through hard work and by the grace of God, we passed with good grades.

9. We can perform well in this course like we did in the previous course. Let’s step up and give this our best and we will not have any regret at the end of the day.

10. It was awesome working on the same course together. We started as a team and we perform satisfactorily as a team. I celebrate you all. Let’s keep being the best students.

Online Course Feedback Examples

11. Even though the course was online, it was simply awesome to have been a part of it with other great students. I hope to have this type of opportunity next time. It was a pleasure being a participant.

12. The lecturer was proficient at organizing the students online, his presentation was a display of dexterity and excellence. We all worked together to finish the course effectively. What a great academic team.

13. At first, I was not sure if people were going to be efficient online as we began the course. To my greatest surprise, everyone who started with us finished with us.

14. Through this course I have learned so much. I now know better than I did in the past. This was a great exposition for me and I believe it was the same for other students.

15. I enjoyed the course just like every other student who participated in other parts of the world. We all had a great time learning together as though we had the course onsite.

16. Life as a student online is beautiful and easier. From the comfort of my home, I had the course every day until I was done. It was a great course indeed.

17. When I first heard about the course from a friend, it was not a struggle to give it a try because it was online. Today, I am glad that I did it. The class was very effective as though it was onsite. Thanks for organizing the class.

18. Truth be told, it was not easy studying from home. It was tough because I had to discipline myself to focus every single time. Thankfully, I am done now. It was worth the sacrifice.

19. A great course like this is a total experience even though it was online. The teacher taught techniques that made all the students think they were in a physical class.

20. I appreciate all the facilitators of the course. We all had a great time. I learned a lot and I hope to start maximizing the things I learned soon.

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Positive Feedback About Course

21. This course was what I needed to start doing what I have always wanted to do with my beautiful life. I am glad I took the course at the time I did. Thank you for displaying an attitude of excellence in your presentations.

22. Every sacrifice I made to take the course was worth it. What an amazing course from the beginning to the end. Thank you very much.

23. The course was a mind-blowing one from the very first class that we had. I fell in love with the course after the first class. I must say that I don’t regret taking the course.

24. Without this course, I would not be exploring the opportunity I am exploring now. This course has opened my eyes to things I never knew about before.

25. It is my pleasure to have been a participant in taking the course that a lot of us took. I am one of the few persons that was selected.

26. I appreciate the school management for allowing us to be trained in the course that we finished recently. Thank you for adding value to my life through your platform.

27. With what I have learned, I have become more valuable. I am valuable now to the marketplace much more than I was in the past. All thanks for the course I took.

28. The standards to pass the course were high but I worked very hard to perform satisfactorily. Today, I am feeling great because I did very well.

29. No one is as happy as I am. My whole life has changed because I took the course with other students who were exceptional in their studies.

30. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me as I move forward. I have done this program and I am glad that I performed excellently. I appreciate the investment you made in this course.

Sample Feedback For Online Course

31. This course was what I needed to start thriving in my career. I am now making huge progress in my career. All thanks to the online course. It’s a great pleasure to know that one can learn from home.

32. When I checked the review before I joined, I saw a lot of good feedback. I was encouraged to enroll in the course. Honestly, this is the best training I have ever received.

33. Participating in this online course was easy and productive. Everything happened just the way it was planned by the organizers. I am glad to be taught by the best organizer.

34. After the course, I feel like I have the world in my palm. I believe I can achieve anything regardless of the odds that might stand in my way. The exposure is worth more than the money.

35. The online space is a place where a lot of things can happen which includes quality training. I don’t doubt that what I have learned through this course will change my life positively.

Course Feedback Examples

36. This course has impacted me greatly and I must give my honest feedback about it. Thank you for making me a better person with the online class we had a while back. You have made a positive impact on my life.

37. This course was not just positive, it has broadened my mind for great things. I am now more optimistic about life than ever before. I am sure as I step ahead, I will be able to dare big things.

38. I could not have been able to acquire the certificate I have now if I did not get the offer. Thank you for making it possible to be taught by you. The course was fantastic in every sense.

39. I completely appreciate the kind gesture of being tutored with simplicity by the best sets of teachers in the world. It was what I needed and I am thankful that I have the knowledge now. Thank you!

40. All the effort to get trained on this course has finally paid off this was a great platform for education and I will always be grateful for the privilege. The applicable information I have garnered makes my time worth it.

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Good Comments About Course

41. I noticed that all the students were always paying attention to the teacher throughout the time we were taking the course. That was good to see. The facilitator was skilled at getting the attention of the student.

42. The course was not insignificant to my life’s vision. It would help me to fulfill and achieve my vision better than any other thing. I am glad I took the training.

43. I cherish the course because it is relevant to what I want to do with my life in the next decade. I am getting prepared for a very great future. Thank you for affording me this quality training.

44. A course like this if taken seriously can elevate anyone to a very high level in life. I hope everyone is serious about this beautiful course. I will maximize this training.

45. There is no doubt that this course is a must for those of us who have great plans that are beyond our local environments. This is the right course.

46. What you know is the only information that you can use. This course gives the right information for a quantum leap in my career. I love it!

47. Just like every other person who is grateful for being a part of the course, I’m also grateful. This is an opportunity of a lifetime.

48. I know I might not be able to thank the school management enough but I still have to express my gratitude. Thank you for allowing me to take the course. I am grateful!

49. A good course can make you better if you know its value in the marketplace. This is a good course and I am better because I took it.

50. I have every reason to be happy because of what I know now. What I know now is that I took the right course. I feel great!

Feedback For Online Courses Examples

51. I’m very grateful to have been a part of the online course. It was a great experience that I will not forget in a hurry. It was great, my time was well invested.

52. Thank you for organizing the class we had online. They were all very good and informative. Thank you for always looking out for us.

53. You gave out so much for free at the online classes. I don’t know if I can give out that much for free. May your sacrifice bring you many blessings.

54. It was an awesome class online every time we converged. I learned very well and I have to write my review to show my appreciation at least. Thank you for putting it together.

55. The online classes were fantastic. I had a nice time all through the classes. Perhaps you can consider holding it again. It would be great!

56. Though the training was online, I still enjoyed it. Now I am completely ready for the next phase of my life. With the help of God, I will make it through.

57. To attend these classes successfully, one has to be committed. Without real commitment, you can quit along the way. If you finish it, you will be glad you did.

58. All the classes I previously attended online were not great. This one was worth all the time I gave to it. It was worth other resources that it cost.

59. What amazing classes I had daily up until now. Every part was exceptional. All the courses were transformational to the core.

60. With the things I learned from the online classes, I can start my own business that will also offer free training for young people from time to time.

Negative Feedback For Online Classes

61. The online classes started well but at some point, a lot of things were not going properly. It was not the way I expected it to be. I hope there will be improvement next time.

62. I must say that the classes became boring and some students left because of how boring it was after a while. Kindly see to it that you make it lively from start to finish next time.

63. What could have been great training turned out badly because of bad leadership. If you can improve your leadership skill set, you can have better online classes.

64. Though you did well to an extent, you still have a long way to go in organizing a very good training package for your online students. I hope you work on the vital areas.

65. Can I be truthful, these were not the classes I paid for. I could not have paid that much to have the little value I got from this training. I will advise the organizer to be properly coordinated next time.

66. I’m not happy that you did not fulfill the promises that you made to all your students at the beginning of the classes. You should learn to keep your word.

67. I can authoritatively say that you are not an expert in your field yet. Not that you can’t become but you are not very good at it yet. Kindly submit yourself to training first before coming to train others online.

68. Thank you for all you did for your students who attended your classes but more was expected from you. You promised much more than you delivered.

69. The online classes were not quality, great and neither were they special at all. It was a waste of time for me to have been a part of it and I wish I could be refunded.

70. I did not learn anything through the online classes. That is the blunt truth about my experience participating in your organized online classes lately.

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