Good Feedback Comments For Teachers From Students

90 Good Feedback Comments For Teachers From Students

It is very important for students to be given the opportunity to assess their teachers or school and give their honest feedback to help the teachers improve their services to them. Feedback can either be positive or negative depending on the perception of the student. Good feedback comments for teachers from students will motivate the teachers and help them get better.

With good feedback to teachers, the school management can know what to do to improve their services. The more a teacher listens to his/her students, the more he/she will know how best to serve them. Therefore, students should not be reluctant to project their honest feedback.

You can celebrate the people that inspire you when they teach you. You are not where you want to be yet which is why you are still a student. Your good feedback helps a great deal. And if you have negative feedback, you can do that constructively. You will find here a professional way to communicate your feedback.

Good Feedback For Teachers From Students

Personalized good feedback comments for teachers from students work best when the students appreciate the effort of the teachers. This makes them even more receptive to constructive feedback and gives them room for improvement.

1. Hello Sir/ma’am, I have been looking forward to the day I will be able to share a piece of my life with you and I hope it will bring a smile to your face too. I have been having serious issues with learning and understanding but this changed in a few weeks when I came across you. You made learning fun and made everything easy for me to understand.

2. No other teacher has ever made me feel as safe as you did, I just want to thank you for investing so much effort in me. I promise never to forget your kindness to me, it’s a great privilege to be mentored by you.

3. Every time I remember everything you have taught me, it has always been bringing a solution to a problem I’m facing. Normally, any time we hear the word teacher we are conditioned to think about academic learning but it’s a different case when it comes to your teaching technique. I’m so grateful for all you did, please accept my lifetime thankfulness.

4. I want to thank you with all my heart for being such an accommodating and understanding teacher to us, There is this subject I have always been scared of but ever since you started teaching us it turned out to be like a piece of cake to me and I have been getting good grades, I will forever be grateful sir.

5. I’m very grateful to you sir, for helping me become my person. Though I’m a very brilliant student at the same time I do not feel very under-confident during tests and examinations. You always make sure our doubts aren’t spoonfed. Thank you for being an awesome teacher.

6. Good day sir/ma’am, I’m writing this to show my heartfelt gratitude to you, you have been a great teacher and lecturer to me, you made sure to explain everything in detail which made it easier for me to comprehend, I did enjoy all your lectures, I miss it so much and I wish I could do it again.

7. I’m using this medium to say a very big thank you for being my lecturer. Saying you are the best lecturer that has ever taught me is an understatement. I strongly believe everything I have learned from you will be of great benefit to me as I proceed to the next face of my career.

8. Your lectures are laconic, meticulous, and elaborate. How I wish all the lecturers were as brainy, articulated, and capable as you. You made the course look so simple despite the trifle involved. You are a rare gem, thanks so much.

9. I would like to thank you and tell you I missed your lectures, it was a great pleasure being your student. During the last year, I found you to be an outstanding lecturer with vast knowledge, amiable and easily accessible, and a man of superb attributes. You are simply the best lecturer I have ever known.

10. I appreciate you for being my lecturer, your motivational skill as a lecturer is one to rely on and be applauded, I thank you very much and I will always remember you.

Good Feedback For Teachers Examples From Students

11. I used to be talkative before you became my teacher. Now, I have changed completely. I watch my words and speak when necessary. Thanks to your counsel as my teacher.

12. I have learned how to be kind by being your student all these while. You are a kind person and I love learning from you. I hope to learn so much from you in the coming weeks. Your proficiency means the world to me

13. I’m always paying attention in class because I enjoy listening to you teach me what I need to know as I grow older. I hope to make you a proud teacher.

14. I have become bold because you have taught me to stop being timid. You seize every opportunity to inspire me as my teacher. Thank you very much.

15. I pay rapt attention to my teachers and I do my assignments on time because you have taught me to do the right things. I want to be great and I believe I am on the right path.

16. Working with others was formerly a difficult thing for me to do. Thankfully, I have grown and now I know better. I am now a team player in my class.

17. My parents are very happy to see me rise above past failed courses to where I am now. My grades are up and I am very happy about it.

18. I have learned to love other students because they have equal rights that I have. I think I will keep loving others because it is fulfilling for me as a student.

19. Learning to communicate correctly was an issue in the past. It is no longer an issue now because of you, my teachers. Thank you!

20. If not that I got the best teachers, I might still be failing in my academic work. I am very grateful to you my teachers for helping me.

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Good Feedback For Teachers Examples

21. I have become competent in sports because of how you helped me practice over time consistently. I appreciate you for helping me out.

22. It takes time for students to develop. Thank you for being patient with me and helping me to develop into an awesome child. I am now a hero.

23. Thank you for all the efforts you have made as teachers to help students become better than they were. You are the best teachers anyone could learn from.

24. You are really important to my life. You have made a great impact on the lives of other students too. May God keep using you to change the lives of your students positively.

25. Your great teaching has made me think and talk positively regardless of what the issue might be. You are a good role model.

26. It is so obvious to see that the students under your care are very intelligent. You are known for teaching students and helping us become better in everything we do.

27. You are great at teaching. We can see your effectiveness in the lives of all your students. We are blessed to have you as our teacher.

28. Any parent who ends up having you as the child’s teacher has nothing to worry about because the child is in good hands. Thank you for taking good care of me like your own child.

29. I have so much to be thankful for. You, teachers, have made raising me very easy for my parent with how well you teach. All your students must be very proud of you.

30. It is a good thing to have great teachers who work hard to make their school conducive for students. I and my parents are happy with you teachers for always doing your best for our children.

Positive Feedback For Teachers From Students

31. We the students of this school are forever going to be grateful to the teachers of this school for the quality teaching we receive.

32. Teachers, thank you for all the great sacrifices made daily for the success we have in our exams and tests. We are grateful and we will always be grateful to the teachers.

33. Each time we go to a competition outside our school, we always win. We have never lost because we are always well taught by sound teachers.

34. We have so much confidence in our teachers because they will do the right things that will help us become better as students. We are very important to you, our teachers. We know that you all love us very much.

35. Thank you for being a source of comfort for every student. It is so easy for us to talk to any one of you at any time. We love you all!

36. God prepared us to be tutored by the best teachers who are not just good at their jobs but also kind at heart. We are grateful to have you as our teachers.

37. Asking questions in class is not difficult because you teach and create room for questions. Your replies to questions encourage us to express ourselves even more.

38. Interacting with the teachers as students is fun. I love to interact with all my teachers. You all are easy to talk to. You are all doing a great job with the way you manage our affairs.

39. I look forward to going to school every day and on weekends I look forward to resuming school afterwards. Learning from my teachers is exciting for me. Thank you, great teachers.

40. Every time I spend in this school is worth it. Being under the guidance of the best teachers in the world is very refreshing and inspiring.

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How To Write Feedback To Teachers From Students

41. I’m thankful that I have a great teacher who looks out for me every time regardless of what is happening around me. You are always checking up on me to be sure that I am doing alright.

42. My life has been much better since you became my teacher. I am more productive and effective in my schoolwork now than before.

43. I can boldly say that my performance has changed drastically. It is your influence that has changed my academic performance positively.

44. God sent you into my life to teach me what I need to know as much as possible. Thank you for investing your time in teaching me a lot of things.

45. I have been learning a lot recently. That is because I have a teacher who is highly committed to his job. Thank you very much for your great effort.

46. You are truly a blessing to me and other students who learn from you. You teach us with so much love for us to do well. Thank you!

47. I can never take you for granted. Not now and never in the future will I be disloyal to you after you have become my greatest teacher.

48. Coming to school every day feels great knowing that I have a teacher who is experienced and very kind. I love you and you are my favorite teacher.

49. I have always wanted to have a teacher who is going to teach beyond the curriculum of the school. You expose us to information that is vital all the time. Thank you so much.

50. Without you, I would not be where I am right now. You teach to raise good students. You have made a great impact on my life. I am grateful to you.

Good Comments For Teachers From Students

51. You are excellent in discharging your responsibilities in this school. You are doing your job very well and we students are grateful.

52. You always keep to the standards in your work. Every one of us is inspired by the things you do. We cherish being your students a lot.

53. I like how you pay attention to details as our teacher. We, students, are always learning the right values from you.

54. As students, we craved to have a teacher who is available for discussions. When you came, you made it clear in your first speech that you welcome positive discussions from your students. That was refreshing to us.

55. It is great to see how overt and approachable you are to every single student. We hope every teacher is like you. Thank you for your friendly nature.

56. Since the first day you started teaching us, we all fell in love with your subject even more. You made the subject appealing to us and we are happy.

57. I’m grateful that I have the privilege of being trained by a teacher who is committed to the students. Thank you for all you do for your students.

58. My heart is full of joy every time you walk into the class. I believe other students feel good about you when you teach us.

59. You have shown us love and care so much that we don’t ever want you to go. Here we are wishing that you can teach us daily forever.

60. Knowing that you are my teacher makes me feel happy. I am happy to have you as my teacher and my fellow students are happy too.

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Negative Feedback For Teachers From Students Example

61. If you keep teaching students like this, they will not enjoy attending your class. That might affect their performance greatly.

62. To teach correctly, you must ask for feedback. Teaching and not expecting feedback is not good. It does not help the students to be expressive.

63. The students are not your enemy. Even if they do something wrong, they are still not your enemy. Correcting them in love is better.

64. This school can get better if the teachers get better in how they handle students’ complaints. It is easier to lose the trust of students when complaints are not handled properly

65. Assessment is crucial. Teaching and accessing the students go hand in hand. Dear teachers, assess your students to be sure that they are learning. That is missing in this school.

66. I’m not happy that things are not going smoothly in school anymore. As a teacher, you can take note of what is wrong and work with the students to fix any pending issues.

67. Teachers are supposed to make education interesting for students. You are not making education interesting for us. Kindly work on that.

68. Please, replan the way you teach and address students properly if you don’t want them to start leaving this school for other schools around this neighborhood.

69. Every student who leaves home for school does so in other to learn not because it is always convenient. You as the teachers are supposed to make great efforts to enable students to learn and be happy in the process. Kindly work on that.

70. It is no longer news that some students are becoming more disobedient to teachers. This is not to justify bad behaviour but teachers should stop being unnecessarily harsh to students.

Good Feedback For Teachers From Students For Online Classes

71. I loved the online classes so much that I did not want it to end. I have never had anything like it before in my life. Thank you for creating a good experience for me and other students.

72. I have one question to ask. Can we have another online class soon? I enjoyed the previous online classes and I was wondering if there could be another soon.

73. Everything about my school is always unique. Teachers, thank you for organizing the online classes and making them as interactive as possible for all of us.

74. While having the online classes, I saw how my teachers are committed to seeing me and other students excel greatly. Thank you all!

75. In all the years I have been a student of this great school, this is the first time we will have online classes. They were great classes.

76. I commend the teachers for teaching as though they were having offline classes. We all learned a lot during the classes online.

77. Our experience of having online classes was uncommon. We learned we laughed, we made mistakes, and got corrected. Thank you for the beautiful experience.

78. I want to thank everyone for the amazing online classes that I and my fellow students had. Those classes were full of insights for us. Thank you very much.

79. With the online classes, the teachers were still able to bring out the best in us. We appreciate the efforts and we pray that God will reward all our teachers for doing their jobs well.

80. All the teachers online were fully present. None was distracted. We were given adequate attention all through the online classes.

Positive Feedback For Teachers From Students

81. You delimited the way I conceive failure, now I’m only strengthened whenever I fail. If many teachers had your nature, failure would not even be heard in the school.

82. Your class is a paradise of solutions, it has never stopped solving my problems related to life and academics. You will continue to live in my heart.

83. You are an unusual and exceptional person, your lessons have helped me in the way I handle responsibilities, and it’s an honor to be tutored by you.

84. I acknowledge and appreciate your investment, the help you gave me and other students has helped us bloom more. Thanks for being a good teacher.

85. I will never forget the time I spent in your class, whenever I failed or did anything wrong, you never condemned or criticized me, I appreciate you for cheering me up with your words.

86. You have taken the time to show me love and care, you assisted me in noticing my inner potency and motivated me for more, you are a blessing in this industry.

87. You have taught us the importance of failing and succeeding, if all teachers were like you there wouldn’t be any dropouts.

88. I have become more positive about myself and my abilities, thank you for pushing me to take on challenges that I consider way beyond my ability.

89. I appreciate you for being the kind teacher you could be, I see your passion when you teach us and I look up to your love in your delivery, thank you for taking extra steps in our lives.

90. You will forever remain important to me, you taught me many splendid things, and you showed me how to discover my passion in life, and I’m so fortunate to have a teacher like you.

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