In Memory Of My Brother Who Passed Away

51 Short Tribute Quotes and In Memory Of My Brother Who Passed Away Messages

One of the many reasons God chose to have everyone grow up in a family setting is because of love and care. Every human who grew up with the right amount of love and care sees life differently than others. Parents are important, however, siblings have a special place in your heart if you grew up dreaming of a better life and working hard towards it with your siblings.

Having a brother who truly cares for you while growing up leaves you with a good impression and perspective about the power of having great siblings. Your brother is expected to show you a lot about manhood aside from your father.

Losing your brother sometimes can be equally as painful as losing a father. In memory of my brother who passed away messages, quotes, and words that you find below are timely condolences to help you and anyone who is mourning his/her loved brother.

Missing My Brother Who Died Quotes

1. Brothers are God’s gift to the family. They help you with anything when you need them. It pays to love and cherish every moment you spend with your brother because you never know what will happen at any time. I miss mine!

2. Life has a way of sometimes making you value more what you have lost. It is that way when you value what you have when you still have it. I wish I still had him but he is gone.

3. I truly miss my brother. If only there is something I can give up to have him back I won’t hesitate to give it up as long as I can have him back.

4. In life, I have learned a lot of things. There are things you can’t change even if you wish you can in a thousand years. It is just the way life is. I wish my brother did not die but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

5. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t miss him. Missing him this much has taught me to love and celebrate the people who are still alive around me who are either my friends or members of my family.

6. We all have one opportunity in life that is dependent on our daily decisions. For you not to miss your brother like I do, do all you can to keep him closer to you till the end of time. That is a thing I wish I did.

7. How would I move on without my precious brother? Oh, death, I wish you could let me see him again and spend a day with him talking about everything we have been through. My wishes are only wishes and nothing more.

8. I remember how I and my brother would do fun things together. Life knew we were not prepared to lose each other yet it took him from me. This is not fair. Anyways, is life fair to anyone? I don’t think so.

9. Is there anyone you know who has the power to turn back the hands of time? If you do, let me know so I can prevent the death of my brother before he had the accident that claimed his life. I miss him too much.

10. I have cried but the tears never made it possible for me to see you again. The more I cried the more I felt the distance between me and my brother. My eyes are stressed. My mind is weak. I am literally exhausted.

In Memory Of My Brother Message

11. It was a good thing to have lived a good portion of my life with you as my brother. I loved every bit of it. My only regret is that. You are no longer here for us to keep doing what we knew how to do best.

12. My brother, I hope you are very happy where you are. I must tell you the truth about me; I am not happy here because you are not here with me. Things got really bad for me after your departure.

13. Dear brother, as long as you are happy where you are right now, I guess I have to be happy for you. This world is still full of wickedness the way it was when you were still here. Live forever in my heart, my brother.

14. My brother was the smartest kid brother anyone could have. He was the life of the party. I am doing all I can today to honor his legacy and to encourage young people to dream big just like my late little brother.

15. I miss your fun and caring nature every single day, brother. I know you are testing from all you have been through in this world. I believe you are in a much better place. We have a lot to talk about when we see again.

16. The only person I could count on to show up for me any time I needed help was my handsome brother. He was everything to me and he never refused to help me in all the years we were siblings. He was my solid rock.

17. I really miss having my big brother with me. Now that he is gone, I don’t know who else can take his place in my life. For obvious reasons, he can never be replaced. That was how valuable he was to me.

18. If you have someone you can call at any time for assistance and the person won’t disappoint you, you need to appreciate what God has done for you. My brother was that person in my life before his death. I miss him so much.

19. Life is almost always not fair to people who are living purpose-driven day to day. They are always facing one challenge or the other. Losing my brother has been my greatest pain. My heart aches all the time.

20. I can never understand why my lovely brother had to die leaving me alone in this lonely world. I wish he was here with me right now. I will cherish forever the time I spent with him in love, peace, and harmony.

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Short Memorial Quotes For Brother

21. There were so many young men when you were alive but you stood out. You were unique and godly in ways no one could match up to. Now that you are no more, may your soul enjoy eternal rest.

22. To have a brother like you is not common. I had you and I thought you were never going to be away from me. Now that you are gone, I hope you still keep in touch with me so I can show you my progress as you guide me through all that comes my way.

23. life is unfair to me and our parents. Your death shocked us beyond words such that we might never recover from it till we all join you in heaven where you are having a good time.

24. We will always love you, my dear brother. Life was great with you. We shared countless beautiful memories together. If only I have the power to keep you alive I will ensure you are here doing life with me and the rest of your family members.

25. Many people don’t appreciate their loved ones till they can’t find them anymore. I honestly wish that the reverse was my case. My heart is in pain because I could have loved you more than I did when you were here with me.

26. If I ever get the opportunity to be with you again, death better be ready to deal with me before taking you away again. I promise to fight for you and keep you safe and sound. I won’t let you go!

27. I want you to forgive me, my brother. Forgive me for all the times I did not say sorry even when I wronged you. I did not know that you would be gone too soon. I guess I have to live right now because tomorrow is not promised.

28. Dear brother, I really miss you. Today is another day to mourn you without knowing how you are doing where you are. Not knowing the state of affairs with you makes me even more sad. I will always keep you in my heart.

29. I wish I could spend quality time with you just laughing about our childhood mistakes and how we evolved into who we became in our later years. Hope heaven is tearing you well. I promise to keep building the legacy we shared.

30. May God forgive all your sins and give you eternal peace. I pray He keeps you safe forever in His Bossom. You meant the world to me and I promise to keep building our dream. The vision we created lives on, my brother.

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Short Tribute To My Brother

31. In all my years with you, you taught me repeatedly that living for a purpose is way more significant than anything else. You were a good example of that because you lived daily for a purpose. Rest in peace, brother.

32. If I get another opportunity to be your brother, I will take it with all my heart. That would be God giving me a second chance to learn and become everything He wants me to become. Thank you for being the best brother ever.

33. You were the only brother I had. You made sure I had the best of anything you could afford. All your sacrifices changed my life for good. I will always be grateful to you for all you did for me. Rest well now, brother.

34. I’m who I am today because of who you were when you were alive. You were my role model. I practically looked up to you for everything. I can’t imagine what would have become of me if you were not there to guide me. I love you forever.

35. God knew I needed someone like you to navigate this thing called life with. You shined your light so bright so that my path would be illuminated. I could see because you were the light around me. May your gentle soul rest in peace.

36. I could not have made it to this extent without your love and patience. Having your love and patience made it easy for me to grow and become who I am today. Thank you for all you have done for me.

37. Until we see again to path no more, continue to rest in peace. I will always tell everyone about how you changed my life as my only biological brother. You were my earthly saviour and I love you forever

38. No matter how difficult life gets, I will hold on. To the values you taught me. You would tell me to keep going regardless of any challenge. You raised a hero. Keep helping me, my beautiful angel in heaven.

39. I wish life on earth is permanent. I wish you were not dead. I wish that nothing happened to you. Sadly the reality is that you are gone. I take solace in knowing that you lived every day like it was your last. You touched lives with your gifts. May God grant you eternal rest.

40. I could trust you with anything because you were trustworthy. There was nothing I could not discuss with you at any time. You were always there for me no matter the issue. I will never forget all you meant to me, my brother.

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Goodbye Message To A Brother Who Passed Away

41. My handsome brother, it hurts so deeply knowing you are gone. My life will never be the same without you. I will miss you every single day till I die. It’s sad but I have to start living without you.

42. Dearest brother, I want you to know that you were the best brother anyone could have. I thank God for giving me the privilege to be your brother for all the years we spent together on earth. Goodbye!

43. If only I could turn back the hands of time, you would not be gone from us permanently, my brother. I never saw this coming. Will this pain I feel ever go away? May God help me to cope without you. Good night and may you have eternal rest.

44. I am so broken to be living without your warm embrace day to day. Life feels so meaningless without you in my world. I grew up with you and I did not want a life without you. Here am I saying goodbye, my brother.

45. My reality is too terrifying to be true. You are gone, my brother. I wish it did not end the way it did. If only life can give you a second chance I will be the happiest soul ever. Goodbye, may your sweet soul continue to rest in peace.

In Memory Of My Brother Who Passed Away

46. Having a brother makes you proud as a girl. In your heart, he is going to always be there for you regardless of what life throws at you. Losing him is the pain a sister is usually never prepared to experience.

47. The bond between a brother and a sister makes them stick together through thick and thin. No one likes such a bond to be broken especially not the sister who has to live with the reality that he has gone to heaven.

48. Dear brother, I will look for you in a thousand lifetimes just to experience life again as your beautiful sister. My life is beautiful because you were my one and only brother in this lifetime. Rest in peace.

49. Everyone has at least one person that brought them so much joy and peace. My brother was that one person in my life. My prayer is that God will grant him peace and joy forever where he is in heaven.

40. This time last year, we all were happy. No one thought that by this time you would be gone. Heaven gained an angel but I lost him here. My heart is broken beyond repair. Goodbye, my dearest brother.

Tribute To A Brother Who Passed Away

41. Your life was an example to all the young people who wanted to be exceptional educationally. We all learned many things from you. Thank you for all that you represented to everyone you impacted while you were alive.

42. There are not enough words to express how pleasing it was for me to have been born by the same parents who gave birth to you. That in itself was a blessing. I love you with all my heart no matter where you are.

43. Life has taken the best gift that it gave me. If I ever have the opportunity to be on earth again, I will prefer you as my only brother. I know nothing can break our bond, not even in death, my brother.

44. Everything I have now I owe them to you. There was no way I could achieve anything without your assistance. You always showed up to solve my problems any time I called you. I will never forget all you did for me.

45. You lived for others much more than you lived for yourself. The kind of man you were is rare this day. Thank you for all that you did to bless the people that you had in your life. May your soul rest in peace.

Letter To My Brother Who Passed Away

47. Dear brother

It was recently you passed away and I have not recovered from this sad reality. Even Mum and Dad are still mourning your death. They sometimes cry all night wishing you did not pass away.

You came, lived, and left us without saying goodbye. I know you did not have control over your death but I wish you at least looked me in the eyes to tell me you would be leaving us. Goodbye, my brother.

From Yours

48. Hi, my brother

Looking at our list of goals, we still haven’t achieved a number of them. Will we ever achieve them together? Death played with my sanity by taking you away from me just when we began living the life we wanted.

My life has been in disorder since you left this cold world. I had wanted to go out because you were my buddy and we used to hang out a lot every week. I must stay indoors just wondering how unfair life has been. I hope you are doing great where you are. Rest in peace, my buddy!
From Yours.

49. Dear brother,

If wishes come to pass with ease, I would bring you back the moment you passed away. From that time till now, I still wish there was a way I could bring you back and keep you here with me permanently. I miss you, my lovely brother.

I have many things to tell you but I would prefer to see you in person. I wish you never died. You are going to live forever in my heart and may I be able to make you really proud daily as I work hard to fulfill our dreams. You were the best brother.

50. Dear brother

I think of you every day in the morning while working during the day, and at night while preparing to sleep. I would imagine you gisting with me like you used to for long hours. I will give anything up just to have you spend time with me again.

Your life was lived for us, your loved ones. You ensured that we were well taken care of day to day with all you were earning. Thank you for what you did to help us get through each day as a family. We will always love you, my great-brother

51. Hi Brother

How are you doing in heaven? Hope the angels are treating you nicely. We all miss you down here. There is not a day that goes by without us remembering you for all the good things you meant to us.

I want to thank you for being who you were. You were an inspiration when you were alive to me and others who taught the principles of success. We are all doing great things now all thanks to your sacrifices in teaching us all we needed to navigate life. You remain the best teacher. Rest in peace.
You are still loved.
From Yours.

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